Monday, May 3, 2010

Scarf Transformation

Good morning!

So last night I remembered a tutorial that I saw long ago on how to tie a scarf into a bag. I think this would be perfect for any mom who always forgets her reusable bag in the car, like I do. A scarf is so nice and compact and can be kept in your purse for any occasion.

To make the scarf bag you must first lay the scarf flat. Then take each corner and tie a knot about 2-3 inches from the end, depending on how large you want your handle to be.
Next you need to tie two adjacent corners together using the "tails" that were made when making your first knots. Do the same to the other two corners. This makes the handles.
Voila, Your purse is finished! Now filler up! It is so quick and easy.

So after I thought to do this tutorial I thought of another idea. What if you just wanted to spruce up a purse you had? Maybe you needed to match an outfit. Instead of buying a whole new purse you could use any scarf to cover the purse you already have. What do you think? Tres Chic isn't it? Or Chic d'la la, as my dutch aunt would say.
All I did was lay the scarf out flat and placed my purse in the middle on an angle. I tied two opposite corners from side to side to cover the sides of the purse. Then I tied the two opposite corners of the scarf that were front to back to cover the front and the back. To get inside all you have to do is untie the top tie and move the bottom one over to access the zipper for your purse. It is like having an instant new purse! Loooove it!

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